

答案 1
寄托回忆 管理员回复于 2023-11-17


1. 专硕专业分类:

- 工程硕士(Master of Engineering, MEng)

- 法律硕士(Juris Master, JM)

- 工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration, MBA)

- 会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting, MPAcc)

- 公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration, MPA)

- 教育硕士(Master of Education, MEd)

- 艺术硕士(Master of Fine Arts, MFA)

- 体育硕士(Master of Physical Education, MPE)

- 新闻与传播硕士(Master of Journalism and Communication, MJC)

- 翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting, MTI)

- 应用统计硕士(Master of Applied Statistics, MAS)

- 金融硕士(Master of Finance, MF)

- 国际商务硕士(Master of International Business, MIB)

2. 学硕专业分类:

- 哲学硕士(Master of Philosophy, MPhil)

- 经济学硕士(Master of Economics, MEcon)

- 法学硕士(Master of Laws, LLM)

- 政治学硕士(Master of Politics, MPol)

- 社会学硕士(Master of Sociology, MSoci)

- 教育学硕士(Master of Education, MEd)

- 心理学硕士(Master of Psychology, MPsy)

- 历史学硕士(Master of History, MHist)

- 文学硕士(Master of Arts, MA)

- 新闻与传播学硕士(Master of Journalism and Communication, MJC)

- 外国语言文学硕士(Master of Foreign Languages and Literature, MFLL)

- 数学硕士(Master of Mathematics, MMath)

- 物理学硕士(Master of Physics, MPhys)

- 化学硕士(Master of Chemistry, MChem)

- 地球科学硕士(Master of Earth Sciences, MEarthSci)

- 生命科学硕士(Master of Life Sciences, MLS)

- 医学硕士(Master of Medicine, MMed)

- 药学硕士(Master of Pharmacy, MPharm)

- 工程硕士(Master of Engineering, MEng)
